Meeting for member organizations 2021 postponed to 2022
As we previously have announced, our joint meeting, which would have been held this year, will be postponed to 2022. The new date is 15-18 September and the venue is Paris. Our friends in France are already in the process of planning the medical presentations.
Meeting for young adults this summer
This summer 2021, a digital meeting will be held for young adults in our member organizations. We will return shortly with more information about this.
“Button” for medical centers
Here on our website, in each country’s presentation of its own organization, there is a “button” for medical centers to which patients with Marfan’s syndrome can contact. Look, for example, at the Netherlands. There are some of you member countries that do not have a button for this. This may be because there are no such centers in your countries. But you who have such are very welcome to send your information to us and we will include them in your country’s presentation. Send to karinolsson(at) or chair(at)
Materials to share
At the members’ meeting in Drammen 2019, we talked about sharing of information material between each other and the CC was commissioned to plan for a IT-solution for this purpose. Before we start planning this, we want to ask your member organizations if you in your country have material that you would like to share. In Drammen, we talked about that the material can be written in your respective languages, but that the title is in English, so that those who are interested will understand what consists. Those who want to use the text can make the translation themselves. In order for us to get an idea of how much there is to share, you are welcome to send this material to us in CC at the address karinolsson(at) or chair(at) Word files should be easiest.